Adapting to a World Where Adapters Run Amok


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Jul 22, 2023

Adapting to a World Where Adapters Run Amok

By Joe Queenan Aug. 31, 2023 6:00 pm ET Listen (2 min) I was very excited to get working on my new laptop, but then realized that I could not easily transfer files from my old computer because the new


Joe Queenan

Aug. 31, 2023 6:00 pm ET


(2 min)

I was very excited to get working on my new laptop, but then realized that I could not easily transfer files from my old computer because the new device did not have a USB port allowing access to my external hard drive. Seemingly, old-fashioned USB ports are technologically retrograde and stupid, and only a Luddite like me would expect a sleek new laptop to include one.

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